Ambassador update: Dr May Azzawi

July's ambassador update

Dr May Azzawi

Reader & Associate Professor in Vascular Physiology

Cardiovascular Research Group, Centre for Bioscience, Manchester Metropolitan University

I joined the BSCR as an ordinary member back in 2004. Over the many years, the society has provided me with invaluable knowledge and networking opportunities. I was elected as a committee member, first in 2016 add then re-elected in 2019 and it has been a great pleasure serving the society and supporting its members.

I studied for my PhD at the National Heart & Lung Institute (Imperial College, London), investigating the role of the inflammatory infiltrate in the immunopathogenesis of asthma. I then spent >10 years as a postdoctoral associate and fellow at the University of Manchester conducting basic and clinical research into the role of cytokines and endothelial derived mediators in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease and regulation of small blood vessel function. In my current role, the focus of my group has been on endothelial dysfunction and strategies to improve vascular function using emerging technologies, towards diagnosis and stratified treatment. Our particular interest is the role of SIRT1/AMPK activators and inhibitors of the CYP1B1 enzyme, to restore vasodilator capacity within a hypertensive environment, using ex vivo models and nanomedicines as therapeutic delivery modalities.

I actively encourage equality in the workplace. Having had to juggle work-family life after a number of career breaks whilst raising my children, I am committed to supporting early-career scientists to achieve their aspirations in research.

Selected publications: